UP HOOME is dedicated to providing the best service to all of our users. To enhance the process of addressing refund requests, please refer to the following guidelines:

If you have received an item that is faulty, damaged, or incorrect, kindly submit a support ticket from My Account -> Orders within 24 hours of receipt, indicating the item status.

The Seller may ask you to include photos/videos of the damaged item. Please ensure that you provide clear images and videos of the claimed damage. If you received the wrong size, please supply photos with accurate measurements, and make sure to use the correct measurement method.

After receiving the ticket, the Seller will conduct an investigation. If the product meets the criteria for a refund, the Seller will initiate the refund process and inform you via email. The refund will include the original shipping fees.

In certain instances, the Seller may request the return of the product, for which the Seller will send their delivery personnel to pick up the product.

Refund Criteria

  1. Damaged Products: If the product you receive is damaged, rest assured that we’ve got you covered. UP HOOME offers a hassle-free full refund or replacement policy to make things right.
  2. Incorrect or Missing Products: Sellers maintain strict quality control standards, carefully inspecting each product before delivery. In case of any of the following situations, the Seller is here to assist with a full refund or replacement:
      • Incorrect product
      • Product with the wrong color, size, or other specifications
      • Product with a missing component

Please take note that for size-related concerns, kindly provide the Seller with clear photos of the measurements, ensuring the correct measurement method is used. Share your results in the support ticket, the seller we’ll address them promptly.

  1. Products Out of Stock: If the product you ordered is unexpectedly out of stock, you need not worry. the Seller offers a complete refund, and we’ll notify you promptly to arrange the refund or a suitable replacement.
  2. Delayed Orders: Your time is valuable. The Reseller is committed to ensuring your satisfaction, and the Seller offers a full refund in the event of order delays. The counting begins from the date you place your order on UP HOOME:
      • The Seller will refund you if the delay exceeds 2 weeks.
      • During busy seasons, such as Black Friday, Mothers Day, Christmas, etc., we extend the period to more than 3 weeks.
      • In unforeseen circumstances, like epidemics, the timeline may vary. We urge you to pay attention to the order status notification emails on the order page.
      • Orders that experience delay due to delivery issues, such as an insufficient address, unclaimed packages, or difficulties in contacting the customer, will not be eligible for a refund.
  1. Missing Packages: If, regrettably, your package goes missing during delivery, your satisfaction remains our priority. The Seller offers a full refund in such cases to ensure you’re taken care of.

Your satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us, and we are here to make sure your shopping experience with UP HOOME is nothing less than exceptional. If you have any questions or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated customer service team. Thank you for choosing UP HOOME, and we’re here to serve you.

What’s the refund method?

You’ll receive the refund in either your  through your original payment method.

Please be aware that:

  • Any promotional credits added to your wallet will be deducted from the refund amount.
  • If you paid for your order partially or fully using your wallet credit, this credit will be refunded back to your wallet.

When can I expect to receive my refund?

Upon completion of the refund process, you’ll receive a notification email regarding your refund. The specific timeframe for receiving your refund is contingent on your chosen refund method and your bank’s processing time.

How can I obtain a refund if my credit/debit card is no longer valid or has expired?

For security purposes, refunds can only be issued to the original payment account. If your payment account has expired or is no longer valid, please reach out to your card or wallet issuer, which could be your bank or card company, for assistance. They will be able to facilitate the receipt of the refund on your behalf.

Why is the refunded amount less than the initial amount?

  1. Banks and E-Wallets providers may deduct a commission fee. 
  2. The refund corresponds to the actual price paid, not the sale price.

If the refunded amount is less than the original, consider reaching out to your bank to explore the aforementioned scenarios.